So, having said that, we had a delightful Christmas, quiet and just family as our elder son and his family went away this year and our other son and his partner are in London still. Elysa was home and we took the day as it came, although I had threatened that if she wasn't up by 10 I would be pulling a big brother and jumping onto her bed - think the thought of Mum landing on top of her was the trigger and she was out of the bathroom making brunch by 1015! Since we ate so late, we didn't bother with lunch. DH and I went to visit friends for afternoon tea, so I left the vegies, etc all ready to be turned on so that we could eat at 630. Sat down at 635 so we were all pleased - and ready for a meal by then too. Chris and Dawn rang finally about 1120pm and it was great to hear them all excited about Christmas because of course, it was just starting for them. Being old though, I was struggling to stay awake by then and fell into bed straight afterwards - just as well I AM on holidays, I think :)
And since Christmas???
Well, here are some of the things I have been working on:
- present for my sister - sewing mat to protect her timber dining room table, and a thread bag. Together we made a large bag the same to fit a honey bucket in - that way it is great for scissors, pens, roller cutters, etc.
Flossie for Chrissie and matching thread bag
- Thomas' quilt - promised as our present when we found out that he was on the way, but I was reluctant to make it up until the baby was born in case it was not suitable for a boy. I took it down to the local Baby shop today to see whether it was big enough for his cot - and it looks wonderful! See what you think!
I used the Sweet Baby Quilt pattern from Moda Bake Shop, using a number of Charisma fabrics mixed with Nancy Halvorsen's Believe.
Laying out the blocks - fun, but scary when it's for someone else though!
the quilt-to-be looked
more like flags!
This is where it's at right now - stitched up, ready to be trimmed, quilted and bound - and in my bag where I left it after I came back from town!
And before you think, that's all I've done since Saturday, well, just check this out! Happy birthday to my friend Jeannie!
This is my version of a Knit-out box, which Jeannie and I found in a magazine. The lid comes off to put the skein of wool inside and then is fastened back on once the yarn is threaded through the keyhole.
I am pleased with the Fast-2-fuse which I used to make the shape, although it was quite difficult to turn around under my machine to satin stitch the top edge. Now I've worked with it though, I will know what to expect if I think I'll do another one - !! Not in the near future, anyway.
I hadn't made the cord buttons before, but they were easy and effective.
And now??????????? well, I have a dear little granddaughter who didn't get her Chibi dolly in time for Christmas and so, I'm about to get onto that so that I can give it to her on NY's Day.
No, I haven't forgotten my promise to bind my lovely Mystery Quilt - that was the first thing I did on Sunday morning. It's on the plan to be hand stitched in place tomorrow night, so watch this space!
Merry Xmas Vicki! Great to hear you had a fab, relaxing time!
Lots of sewing is getting done, or should I say had got done! Looking forward to the GT Circle - mine is completed :+)
x Sarah
PS: Hopefully see you soon xx
Oh, and I forgot to say, that quilt is looking great too!
x Sarah
You've been busy and your blog is looking great. See you tomorrow ... looking forward to it.
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