I've been setting up my sewing room now that I have a floor. I bought a 1500mm chest of drawers which fits the bill perfectly - sits beautifully between the wardrobe and the window. Sadly, it needed a companion because what came out to the family room in plastic tubs, didn't fit back in quite so well. The matching chest fits really well on the adjacent wall and although I still have stuff to go into it, it looks so tidy in my room that I keep having to go back and have another look. It's so strange, NOT having to lift my feet up to my knees to get from the door to the other side - but I like it, so now just have to finish and keep it that way.
I'll put up a boasting pic when it's finished, but don't hold your breath, because tomorrow Sarah and Razzy and 3 of the girls from here in Burnie are coming for a stitch in. Needless to say, it won't be IN the sewing room though, LOL. Hope you are all having a great post New Year!
8 hours ago
LOL... Dont be like me and have a lovely big clean only to make a HUGE mess again!
Cya tomorrow
x Sarah
Hi Vix - hope you girls had a lovely day today. And, I'm looking forward to some photos of the floor (and the rest of the sewing room).
LOL. Actually Sarah and Razzy are coming Tuesday and the sewing room floor is beige - I'd forgotten, hehehe
Wish I could join you all - have fun!
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