Well, we didn't but I do think we are copping it anyway :( DH's results weren't what we were hoping for, so he is back into hospital again on Wednesday for another, deeper biopsy. At least the specialist isn't going to just remove his bladder at this stage. He spent the weekend in hospital in Launceston because on the way to Hobart there were some complications from the previous biopsy - so back to Emergency we went. On the positive side, I don't panic now.
Tomorrow is a normal - if you can call anything normal these days - work day for us both. I am about to make a list of things I need to get done, including completing stitchery for Fee and starting the Christmas stocking for Jane. I'll take a few things with me as there will be lots of sitting around over the next 4 - 5 days I imagine. Will have my laptop and internet access in the evenings.
DH has a really positive attitude, although received a bit of a shake up this morning. Fingers, knees and eyes crossed everyone, please xxxxx
4 days ago
I will keep every think crossed for you both. We was at the launceston hospital on the week end because my dad had a hip op.
Vicki, not good news. keep thinking the way you are and you both will support each other, we are all crossing all limbs and keeping positive with you
Oh dear! I have everything crossed I can think of for you both xx
Oh Vickie I'm soo sorry you both have to go through more of this I will be thinking of you all.
Absolutely everything crossed up here for you. Text or call if you need to. xoxox
Hi Vicki... I will be thinking of you and hubby and hoping everything goes okay. I have everything crossed for you both. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Oh Vicki, that's not good news. It must be so hard to keep feeling positive. Pete and I are hoping and crossing everything and sending positive thoughts. Love to you both. xx
Best wishes from France ! I hope your husband is not too bad ... I send you a lot of positive thoughts and hugs !
No words (rather unusual for me), but lots of hugs oooooooooooo!!
goodluck Vicki.......
Everything is crossed so tightly Vicki - it's time for good news.
Medical things stretch out so long don't they? Sewing is a great hobby in times of stress. I sew like a made thing sometimes.
Give "G" an extra cuddle from me hun and don't worry about the stitchery - There is absolutely no hurry at all - Look after your man :)
Hugs - Fee XX
Fingers are crossed for uncle G. Hope for some good news soon.
Everything I have is crossed....
you are both on my thoughts...xxx
Hi Vicki,
You have both been in my thoughts this week. Hope you get some better news soon. Take care.
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