Monday, May 2, 2011

Just before Paris, I managed to....................

  1. Write my reports
  2. Prepare an assignment on France for my students - since it is always difficult to get students to work well for a relief teacher, I made it into a competition and no-one including me has any idea what the answers will be until we get home. [bought some cute little Parisian magnets as prizes today, so that will make some students happy].
  3. Make a ribbed scarf for my DS for Easter as he is on a chocolate free diet - bad timing I reckon!
  4. Make a gorgeous bright bag to give as a present - can't put up photos until a bit later in case she guesses, hehehe
  5. Buy lots of lovely fabrics to make a TIS quilt - photo to come
  6. Type up and send out minutes from the association I am secretary for and take new minutes from the April meeting - had the chance to pass on the job and didn't - I really did need a holiday!!!!
  7. Make my special partner a gift - again, that has to wait for a couple of weeks, but I have already taken the photos to share
  8. Find the floor in my sewing room and tidy up my lounge room for our house and Ellie sitters whilst we are away
  9. Work up a nasty mouth ulcer under the thick part of my tongue
  10. and finally, lose my toenail - damaged it in January when I dropped two very heavy new Christmas ornaments from Habitat's sale on my foot.
  11. THEN we left!!!

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